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Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing is more often than not the most cost effective, personalised and highly targeted form of marketing available. But digital marketing doesn’t work without an effective digital marketing strategy in place. But what is a digital marketing strategy?

What is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

A series of actions that will help you achieve your goals online, a digital marketing strategy is perhaps one of the most important strategies a business will create. Many people are often put off by the term “strategy” and in some cases can even find the term intimidating but rest assured, building a solid and effective digital marketing strategy doesn’t need to be difficult.

Put simply, a strategy outlines a plan of action on how to achieve a desired goal or even multiple goals. For example one goal might be to generate 50 more enquiries a month through your online website form. This is very simple and obviously most business have very in-depth digital marketing strategies which consist of multiple goals.

Digital Marketing Strategy & Digital Marketing Campaigns

The amount of times that we ask businesses if they have a digital marketing strategy and they say yes, they have a digital marketing campaign plan.


Although it is very easy to confuse the two they must remain as two separate entities. Your digital strategy as established above is the series of actions you take to help you achieve an end marketing goal.

Digital marketing campaigns on the other hand are the actions within this strategy that move you closer to securing the goal. Even if a campaign is running for a number of years it does not mean this is strategy. It will still remain a tactic running alongside other campaigns which then form the Digital Marketing Strategy.

Once you have your head around this then you can begin to look into Digital Marketing Strategy creation.

How we can help?

Tao Digital have vast expertise have expertise and proven experience in fully integrated digital marketing strategy creation. We deliver a joined up strategy that works. Working closely with our clients to identify key goals which can then be met by developing marketing channels which work together.  We work tirelessly to ensure your brand message is consistent and constantly there in front of the target audience at the right place and the right time and that your brand message is consistent both online & offline.


Each marketing channel selected by a business has a direct impact on one another by working with an integrated approach, rather than each channel existing and operating solo, opportunities start faster, key performance trends can be capitalised on and we can react a lot quicker to market change in a much more agile way. Speak to us today about your integrated digital marketing strategy.

Insight Driven

Our experience across a wide range of business type and across an even wider range of industries means that we have deep insight into many specific markets. By having such deep insight in place, we can create better strategies driven by your market, your customers, how you work as a business and your infrastructure from a digital perspective.


In the world of digital each day is a new day, it’s one thing to create a digital marketing strategy that will work tomorrow but what about the future? It is important that there is a foundation which can then grow. Our strategists, analysts and tech geeks implement and integrate digital marketing channels which will enable your business to evolve with the rapidly changing industry for years to come.

Tracking & Testing

Through regular tracking and testing of all marketing channels implemented into a digital marketing strategy, we can assist in helping businesses to understand the true value and efficiency of each channel by presenting information in a clear and concise report so they can refine the strategy and invest in channels that get them the best ROI.

Choose Digital Marketing Strategies by Tao Digital

We deliver multi-channel plans, tailored individually to your business goals which can deliver some quick wins in the short term but which really focus on the future and the bigger picture for the long term. The future is bright – when you implement an effective, performance driven digital marketing strategy.

Think we can help with your strategy? – Get in touch with us today!