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4 Ways That Email Marketing Can Increase Your Sales Funnel

Email marketing has proved to be one of the most cost-effective ways of communicating with your audience. For any company that wants to engage and inform their subscribers, setting a proper email marketing strategy is the best way. More specifically, it can increase your website’s traffic, form stronger relationships, increase the recognition of your brand, and give opportunities for engagement.

One of the most important aspects of email marketing strategy is the way it affects the sales funnel of your company. Regardless of the stage of the funnel, email marketing can help you maintain and improve your funnel. So, the first thing you have to do is find an email marketing service that provides all the features and data you need for your company. This is the fundamental principle, as not every platform offers exactly the same.

The Traditional Sales Funnel

1. Generate Subscribers

The first thing you need to have to make your sales funnel successful is a great list of subscribers. You should make clear why someone should subscribe, what someone has to gain. If there is nothing specific there for your subscribers, then no one will give his email address. So, your brand awareness should focus on getting your brand identity across and your USP so consumers can differentiate you from the rest of similar brands. 

Also, you should make it as simple as possible to enter their email address to decrease the number of click-throughs a person needs to be subscribed. Share content posts on your social media accounts that lead them to a subscribing page. Also, you can create QR codes so even if they see a product of yours, they are directed to a mobile-ready, mobile-responsive email subscribing form.

After they get subscribed, you should send a “thank you email” to welcome them. This will make some feel valued and appreciated, while others will value it as a confirmation for their subscription.

The last thing is that you should pay attention to your email sequence, content, subject lines (which will be more analysed later), in case you see your unsubscribing rates increase.

2. Increase Recognition 

Once you have created your subscribers’ list, then you should create a comprehensive, consistent channel of communication with them.

If you want to have an effective email marketing strategy, you should create some recurring email campaigns, based on the type of your company and your products. One option is to send a weekly email with the company updates, or at least a monthly newsletter with new data, information, and offers.

These email campaigns should highlight your brand identity, colours, and personality. Your logo characteristics should be there in every email; but always consider to make it friendly, while formal. Then, your emails will be enjoyable and fun for your subscribers, but still, you will pass all the needed information.

You should use any automation features of your email marketing service and through different tests find the best time to send an email to your subscribers. Then, your opening rates will improve, which will bring extra traffic to your website.

3. Improve Consideration

Once you have your subscribers’ list, you build your recognition, then your subscribers should start considering your company, instead of other companies they already trust. Consideration marketing campaigns are difficult but can be your key players.

The first crucial thing is to create exclusive limited offers and discounts for your subscribers. This will create a feeling of urgency, value, and appreciation for your company. Human beings love to feel that they receive unique personalised gifts and offers. 

In these campaigns, you can also promote any private label products you have by including the companies that produce these items. With that, you gain credibility by the name of the manufacturing company, which will make your subscribers consider you more.

Also, based on the actions they take on your website, you can send personalised emails to educate them about the products they are interested in. These educational emails can be tips and tricks for how to cleverly use your products or their extra features.

Another automated email campaign you can design is based on the products your website visitors abandon in their carts. The cart abandonment strategy is highly personalised, time-saving, cost-effective, and forces people to return to your site to complete a purchase.

To ensure that your subscribers receive these emails, you should run an email deliverability test. This will guarantee that your emails end up in their inbox folder, not their spam folder.

4. Motivate Action

The last stage of the sales funnel process is to motivate your subscribers to take action. 

You should pay attention to your email copy and content. Use active words that motivate people to take a specific action. Make clear that you have on a specific target and centralise it in your emails. This purpose should be your central Call-To-Action in the email, which pops-up from the rest of the email.

Another important aspect is your email subject line and the preview shown. Your email subject line should be precise, clear, and intrigue people to open their email for one reason. Write your subject lines as you are a salesman that likes to be more friendly.

As it was stated before, you should provide them with limited offers and discounts. This feeling of urgency will make people take immediate action and buy your products.

Final Thoughts

Creating, designing, running an effective email marketing strategy is complicated, but it can be simplified by setting specific goals and objectives. If you set creative, target-oriented, agile goals, based on the different stages of the sales funnel, you can see your metrics increase and improve.

A great way to make your company grow is by paying attention to every single stage and always use your data analytics to redesign your strategies. Always use quantitative research to increase your quality, and focus on bringing extra value to your company.

These are the basic things you should know to shape an effective email marketing strategy.

Let me know what you think. Do you have a specific email marketing strategy? What would you change and what have you implemented?